Thursday, December 29, 2016

Final review of '8 Keys to Forgiveness' by Robert Enright

As I mentioned in a previous post, I think that the topic of forgiveness is so very important both in mental health, but also for a grander version of world peace.  Imagine if the Israelis and Palestinians could forgive each other (in fact, there are people working on that.  Click here for more information)! 

In general, I will say that I liked, but did not love this book.  I had to work at reading it, more than I usually do.  When I read self-help books, I try and apply them to my own life, and perhaps it is because there isn’t really anyone in my life right now that I need to forgive, that I found the book did not sustain my attention very well.  If you would like to check out a copy for yourself, click here.

Pros to this book:

11)  The writing is simple and easy to understand.
22)  The author writes in a way that lets you know he has a lot of clinical experience working with  forgiveness in his clients.  If I was focusing on forgiveness now, in my life, I think I would want him  as my therapist.
33)  His case studies and examples are very compelling  and mostly relatable.  I think it would be hard for  someone to read this book and not relate to some of  the people in it.
44)  I like that he has a chapter devoted to self-  forgiveness since the ability to see oneself as  imperfect, yet whole, is entirely related to ones’  ability to forgive the same imperfection in others.

Cons to this book:

11)   I know there is a good amount of research about       the benefits of forgiveness.  The author really does     not present much of it, which left me wanting.
22)   I did not find this book to be very helpful, from the   standpoint of a therapist looking to learn something   about implementing forgiveness work into their         own practice
33)  While I know that it is ‘gimmicky’ to have a set up steps, I found myself wishing that the author had   actual exercises/worksheets.  Most of his tools are really just ‘things to think about’ or journal about   which I found harder to translate into action than, for example, some of the things in the recent           Seligman book I read.  I found myself wanting something more concrete.

I have on my list now, to read something by Everett Worthington, another psychologist and author who writes about forgiveness, whom I think I might enjoy more.

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